Sunday, September 20, 2015 “Life’s Renewal”
Change Requires Work
Article Published September/October 2015 issue of
Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer & Life Coach

Have you ever wondered why some people never change? Have you ever wondered why you cannot/don't change? Well, that is because change requires work. Let's look at it from another perspective. For example, you wet yourself, you sit in it because it is warm and eventually you become comfortable sitting in it and it will eventually dry. You get used to the smell, you ignore the stain that has now been made because you are comfortable and it is familiar. But the moment you decide I no longer want to sit in this condition. Is where the work begins. 

You have to first recognize there is a need to change. You then have to get up, wash yourself of and change your clothes. All maybe simple actions but it is change none the less. Many do not change for the fear of leaving the familiar or they have become so comfortable with their condition they don't even realize there is a need to change or they think the problem is with everyone else. Some even go as far as to recognize there is a need to change but over think so much they have thought themselves out of making the change.

But in life everything has to change or else it will die. You are not the person you were seven years ago. Your hair, your nails, your skin has all changed over the space of seven years. Everything moves, everything grows if it doesn't it become stale, stagnant and stinks. That manifests itself in people as bitterness, envy, jealousy sickness and as unforgiveness.

Keep moving, keep changing as that is the only way you will grow. Because Change Requires Work!

Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine Contributing Writer & Life Coach

To connect with Alison on Facebook @alisondesouzalifecoach, Twitter @AllieDesouza or email her at

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