Sunday, September 20, 2015 “Karibbean Girlz Vybe”
With Jenna Walker
Article Published April/May issue 2015 of

Written by Jenna Walker

A Karibbean Girlz Vybe interview with Jenna Walker
My name is Jenna Walker; I was born in Orlando, Florida at Arnold Palmer Hospital, into a Jamaican family.  I’ve been raised in Orlando, Florida and grew up in a house with my Mom and Nana, with my Aunt only five houses down from us.  My aunt is a singer, and before I was born she would sing into my mom’s tummy. We believe that this is where I got my talent. When I was born I loved to sing as soon as I could, and I loved to hear music. I used to figure out songs on the piano without any form of training, and imitate singers on the radio. 

I’ve always loved music, and have a very supportive family who lets me make all the “noise” I want. My family is a mixture of many cultures, but we are primarily Jamaican. I think that growing up with my amazing family has really enhanced my character. The closeness and the respect we share, has really made me appreciate what I have. When I look at my family, compared to American families, I see more of a bond, and I do believe that that bond made me a more humble person.  Take the food for example; we eat many unique things that Americans wouldn’t touch!  Just that alone has made me open to trying new things, and not being afraid.  Jamaicans are tough as a people, and their classic ideals have pushed me both personally and musically.

I’ve pretty much taught myself everything I know about music, with bits of help along the way. I’ve been working on trying to find my own sound, and getting my own style, because ultimately, I want to be a musical artist. I first attended the TrinBago Talent Competition Show three years ago. The first time was a mess. I didn’t make it to the second round, and fled in tears. The host, John Tobago, came to me and explained that it was just a “bump” in the road, and that even celebrities have those moments. He told me to keep on trying, and honestly, showed so much faith in me that I couldn’t stop there. I came back the next year, hoping for the best, but I still didn’t make it to the second round.  However; this time, I stayed to the end and congratulated the winners, because they were fantastic. The third year, I put it all out on the table. 

I made sure I was emotionally invested into the song, and I worked the stage. I even brought my ukulele along for the ride! I made it to the next round! With sweaty palms I finally did it. I finally won and came first place. It felt great to see my hard work pay off and see all the people who believed in me all along looking so proud. Without my crazy, wonderful family, I would never make it this far. They have given me the perseverance, and confidence to get where I am today.  I couldn’t ask for a better life; or a better family to share it with. 
I want to thank KUOMagazine/Between Karibbean Friends Magazine for allowing me to share my story on how a Vybe as a Karibbean Girl!

By Jenna Walker

Karibbean Girls who stands in her Truth...her Music.....and her Culture!
Facebook @KaribbeanGirlzVybe

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        with Priya and Prasanna Singh 
Article Published May/June issue 2015 of
Written by Mea Allman, KUOMagazine Founder/Editor-in-Chief
Photo credit by Singh Family

My name is Priya Singh and being in the Caribbean community has always been an enjoyable experience for me. I enjoy the different events we got to, the music, the dancing, and so much more. My parents are growing us up in our culture. I appreciate it very much because even though it’s different from everyone else I wouldn’t change it for the world. I am in a dance group at Maya’s Dance Studio, that I absolutely am in love with. I’ve been dancing for 9 years and dancing brings me closer to my culture too. My parents have a shipping business (PS Freight) this business has brought me to many different types of events to promote. This is a very well learning experience. Learning the business helps us in many different ways such as we get to learn the form of business, people skills, we get to learn about our community by talking to other people in our society. I can go on and on about how growing up in the Caribbean community is not only unique but it is a very knowledgeable society overall. I am a Karibbean Girl who Vybez!

My name is Prasanna Singh and being in a society is so heartwarming and everyone is close together, our parents have taught us a lot about where they came from and how they grew up. We have been all over in our Caribbean community, this society our parents exposed us to what Caribbean people do and we absolutely love it. When, we were growing up our lives were very different from all our other friends, when we use to talk about in class it use to be so different, but we wouldn’t have had it any other way. We love how we are growing up and love the society we are in to this day!
What was different from everyone else is that we got to go to so many different events and meet so many new people. We had great exposure to people and became sociable because of that, but it doesn’t mean we talk to everyone and think they are your friend! Also, we got to go to different places that most kids don’t go! Another difference is in respect and what we call our elders, such as we call our parent’s friends Aunty and Uncle, we don’t do first names and say Mr. and Mrs. Having parents that own their own business, is not the easiest thing because they are always out and they are always busy! Both of them try to make us the priority, and try to make sure we have as much fun as possible without trying to make it a big deal, but we know & understand what they have given us and we appreciate it. We love helping our parents out and it prepares you for the world of when you have an actual job. Please do not mistake the fact that we still have to keep up our grades or we would not be able to do the things we get to do.
Also they have thought us to respect ourselves and do things with class and pride. We think the best part about being in the Caribbean society is you get a diverse selection of music to listen, good food eat to eat such as curry, any kind of curry, jerk chicken, bake & salt-fish, um um good. We dance for Mayas Dance Studio for about over 8 years now and we have had so much wonderful experiences and opportunities. Just another aspect of our diversity, we can dance to Bollywood, Reggae, Soca, Chutney and the list goes on. Our studio dances a lot for the local community and it gives all of us more exposure and our parents are big supporters of our dancing. Also, we do some charitable events and feel good when we personally give back to the community, the best is that we get to have everyone one else around us cheering us on for a good cause. We love dancing and having fun with our dance family! "

The Singh Family Left (Paul, Prasanna, Anita and Priya) Anita & Paul are Caribbean business owners here in Orlando, FL that have been giving back and supporting our Caribbean community! 
P.S. Freight Systems Family

For all your shipping needs, please visit on Facebook @PS Caribbean Freight Systems/Shop2Go or visit their website at 

Written by Priya and Prasanna Singh 

Karibbean Girls who stands in her Truth...her Dancing...her Music.....and her Culture! “Life’s Renewal”
Change Requires Work
Article Published September/October 2015 issue of
Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer & Life Coach

Have you ever wondered why some people never change? Have you ever wondered why you cannot/don't change? Well, that is because change requires work. Let's look at it from another perspective. For example, you wet yourself, you sit in it because it is warm and eventually you become comfortable sitting in it and it will eventually dry. You get used to the smell, you ignore the stain that has now been made because you are comfortable and it is familiar. But the moment you decide I no longer want to sit in this condition. Is where the work begins. 

You have to first recognize there is a need to change. You then have to get up, wash yourself of and change your clothes. All maybe simple actions but it is change none the less. Many do not change for the fear of leaving the familiar or they have become so comfortable with their condition they don't even realize there is a need to change or they think the problem is with everyone else. Some even go as far as to recognize there is a need to change but over think so much they have thought themselves out of making the change.

But in life everything has to change or else it will die. You are not the person you were seven years ago. Your hair, your nails, your skin has all changed over the space of seven years. Everything moves, everything grows if it doesn't it become stale, stagnant and stinks. That manifests itself in people as bitterness, envy, jealousy sickness and as unforgiveness.

Keep moving, keep changing as that is the only way you will grow. Because Change Requires Work!

Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine Contributing Writer & Life Coach

To connect with Alison on Facebook @alisondesouzalifecoach, Twitter @AllieDesouza or email her at “Life’s Renewal”
Attitude Adjustment Keep It 100
Article Published July/August 2015 issue of
Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer & Life Coach

Recently I read something very interesting that really got me thinking.
If: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Is equal to:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
That means H+A+R+D+W+O+R+K: 8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
K+N+O+W+L+E+D+G+E: 11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
L+O+V+E; 12+15+22+5 = 54%
L+U+C+K: 12+21+3+11 = 47%

But none of the above add up to make 100%. So, what does make 100%?
Is it Money? M+O+N+E+Y; 13+15+14+5+25 = 72%
Leadership? L+E+A+D+E+R+S+H+I+P; 12+5+1+4+5+18+19+8+9+16 = 97%

Every problem has a solution, only if we perhaps change our "ATTITUDE"; A+T+T+I+T+U+D+E;
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%

It is therefore OUR ATTITUDE towards Life and Work that makes OUR Life 100% Successful.

There are many different types of attitudes, a few examples:
Optimism, Pessimism Confident, Interested Independent, Jealous Courteous, Cooperative Considerate, Inferior Happy, Respectful Authoritative, Sincere Persistent, Honest Sympathetic, Realistic Faithful, Decisive Trusting, Thoughtful Determined, Loving Hostile, Modest Reliable, Tolerant Humble, Cautious Sarcastic, Helping Hard Working

Some are positive attitudes while others, well, not so much. But all is not lost if you have a healthy mixture of positive and negative, that makes you a real person. What causes the dysfunction and difficulties is when the negative traits outweigh or are more persistent than the positive. Attitude is it a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in behavior. What we think, what we do, and what we feel is what forms our attitude. While sometimes knowledge and experience form our attitude, on other occasions it is based on our assumptions and beliefs. Ask yourself, what is my attitude? Is it positive and you can see good in more than you see the bad, or is it an unbalanced amount of negativity? If you are a positive, the glass is half full kind of person, then great, keep doing what you’re doing and don't forget to help someone else along this journey of life.

However, if your attitude is more pessimistic and negative, a few adjustments maybe in order. Take a look at your attitude, write down your beliefs and the things that you believe are causing you to behave the way you do. Be honest with yourself when writing them down, especially if you really want to change your attitude and make the necessary adjustments. Now writing the cold hard truth will be uncomfortable, and an eye opener as it may reveal things about yourself you would rather not admit to. But remember "the worst lies we tell are the lies we tell ourselves". We all at times live in denial of our true selves, of who we are, what we think and even what we do. But if you are serious about making the adjustment, this is what you must go through, this is what it takes.

It takes for you to pull the Band-Aid off, expose the wound, get the right treatment to it and allow the healing to take place. While the wound is healing, it feels sore, it gets a little itchy, but these are all good signs that the skin is growing back in place to cover the wound. Once the wound has healed it may leave a scar, but you will not forget that wound, you will remember what caused it, what the treatment was and the healing process, basically what you had to do to get better. The same with adjusting your attitude, write down the real 'ugly' truth about who you really are. What can you do to make the change, what help do you need. Yes, if you need help make sure you get the right help, you may have to go outside of your circle in order to get the right help. But whatever you have to do, Just Do It"! Get yourself a coach or an accountability partner that will help you through the process and in doing do success will naturally happen. Do you need and attitude adjustment. Keep it 100!

~ By Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine Contributing Writer​ & Life Coach “Life’s Renewal”
This Mirror Life – The Man/Woman in the Mirror
Article Published May/June 2015 issue of
Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer & Life Coach

To be able to recognize something you must know it. You know a rose when you see one, you know a rain when you see and feel it and the list could go on and on. The good you see and find in others, is within you too. The faults you see and find in others, are your faults to. The possibilities you see in others, are possible for you to also achieve. The beauty of life and nature you see around you, is your beauty. The world around you, the circle in which you dwell, the influences in your life is a reflection, it's a mirror showing you the person you are. To change your world, the change must come from within you. To blame, point the finger and complain will only make matters worse, as you are ultimately looking with out and not looking within. Whatever you care about, is your responsibility to cherish and keep. What you see and either like or dislike in others, shows you what you like or dislike within yourself.

Always see the best in others, and you will always be your best. Give to others, and you give to yourself. Be patient with others allowing them the time and space they need to grow, to grow on their own time, in their own space, in their own way and not in your set time frame, as what may be good, necessary or relevant for your life may not be the same for another.  But rather be there to encourage, be there to support.\, be there to help guide.  Do not quick to give up on people or discard them when they are not conforming to your schedule, as I am sure they would not give up on you as easily.

Appreciate beauty and what is beautiful, and you will be beautiful. Respect and admire creativity, and you will be creative. Love unconditionally, give love, show love, be love and you will be loved. Seek to understand, and appreciate that everyone has a path, has a journey and a story and you will be understood. Take the time to listen, and your voice will be heard. Teach, and you will learn. Show your best you to the mirror, and you'll be happy with the person looking back at you.

Think and meditate on whatever qualities you would like to have, and believe that you are achieving them that you are them.  Find qualities that you would like to exude; Gratitude, love, health, wisdom, a positive spirit and attitude, being non-judgmental of yourself or others, discernment, the strength and power for good deeds and success.  

Fill your mind with the thought that you are achieving these qualities you are making things happen.  The more you strive it make this happen the more you will notice you are changing, you are becoming these qualities, and you will start to see a new person in the mirror.  You will have peace and the more you practice and meditate on this and the more persistent and patient you are you will be conscious and you will find life growing more beautiful to you, and your strength will be increased in all areas of your life  physically, spiritually and emotionally.

By Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer & Life Coach “Life’s Renewal”
What Do You Do When Your Past HOLDS You Hostage?
Article Published February/March 2015 issue of

Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer & Life Coach

Well what do you do??? Isn’t that the million dollar/pound/euro question? First things first let’s not confuse insecurity with fear, although very similar in meaning as the definitions below show;

FEAR – a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. Synonyms: foreboding, apprehension, consternation, dismay, dread, terror, fright, panic, horror, trepidation, qualm. Antonyms: courage, security, calm, intrepidity.

INSECURE - subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured: an insecure person I remember a few years ago (OK, so it was 15 years ago to be exact) being in a job where I was constantly berated and belittled, I was a Marketing Assistant and worked for two guys that although were quite generous with gifts when they travelled, they were always angry and hostile in the office. I remember the look of pity on the faces of the other girls’ and the other Marketing Managers (who were all women) who would all console me.  At the time it felt as though nothing I did was good enough and the three, there, there’s never mind, poor thing from my colleagues added to the humiliation.  The PA to the MD spoke up for me and told him, he called me into his office asked me what had been going on, I told him everything warts and all.  He sent me home and told me he would look into it. When he called to tell me that there was no need for me to return to work, well that told me what I was worth to them, a big fat NOTHINGAnd so the pattern continued for many, many years and yes I believed it when they told me that I deserved to be spoken to like that.  Now, here’s the thing, at no time did they ever in so many words tell me I deserved to be spoken to like I was beneath them. But the fear of losing my job and not being able to pay my bills made me “allow” them to speak to me like that.  So in fact I was telling them that, that is how I deserved to be treated and spoken to. My way of dealing with it was to not tell a soul, look what happened the last time a person spoke up for me, I was let go. So I would look for another job, get another job and then be sworn at, shouted at and belittled.  I started to believe the problem was with me and that I just couldn’t do the job right.  So every job that I got I would go to work filled with FEAR.  And because of that fear I would be nervous and anxious when I was at work, and would spend any vacation time worried that my work never measured up and that I just wasn’t competent.

One of the worse instances was I had an employer who would like to openly swear and shout at me in front of everyone in the office, and I would stay silent. One day my boss decided that I had to update him every day on what I was working on. During this time, one particular day he took me out for a coffee (I HATE COFFEE) and calmly said to me “I know you’ve had bereavements and I know your mother is sick, but it’s not my f@*#ing problem is it”, oh yeah, did I forget to mention that my mother had just an operation on both her feet and three days later my uncle died suddenly while he was at home, so it had been a bit of an emotional four days and then this conversation. Well yet again I said nothing as he continued to tell me that he feels as though I am not on top of things (even though in my performance review he told me I was an asset to the company). Then he goes on to tell me he would like for me to take on more responsibility by taking on the project of overseeing the build-out and opening of a new branch.  Needless to say that I put my resume up on several job boards the very same day!!!  When I handed in my resignation, he got so mad and asked me what had brought this on and asked me to stay, several times and if I was sure I wanted to leave!  SERIOUSLY!!!

But then it hit me, I wasn’t incompetent, I didn’t deserve to be spoken to like that, I was afraid. I was afraid that if I spoke up I would be seen as an aggressive black woman, because you know we are not assertive when we speak up for ourselves, we’re aggressive and it would go against me when it came time for promotions, etc..  I had believed the treatment I had received in the past and let it dictate how I would be treated in the future. I let this happen to me because I was afraid. I had let my past experiences hold me hostage to accept any treatment that was dished out to me. The weird thing about this is that in all other areas of my life no one would DARE even let the thought cross their minds to speak to me like this. I was known to jump in a person’s throat faster that they could blink if they even attempted to disrespect me in such a way. So what was the difference? As by nature I am not an insecure person, but I have to admit to being gripped by fear.  I needed to work on me and how I could turn this around as I couldn’t continue going through my working life like this. 

I needed fixing and it had to start with ME. I had to believe that I could do the job I was employed to do and I could do it well, I had God given ability and talent. I got another job and all was going well, I had three bosses, one was the nicest, nurturing and patient boss you could have. He would take time to explain things he was working on even if it wasn’t directly relevant to what I was working on.  He would answer questions and genuinely cared about his staff and their well-being. One I barely saw and the other, well, all I can say is he was the type of person that if you made a mistake, he wouldn’t tell you directly, he would wait until we were in meetings and mention it.  An example, I circulated an agenda for a management meeting two days prior to the meeting.  I had misspelt a person’s name and rather than tell me, he came into the meeting pronouncing the person’s name the way it was misspelt, thereby alerting everyone else in the meeting to the error.

He would nit-pick and criticize any work that I would send him.  Even though he was not the only person to get the work, he would be the only person the literally tear it apart.  In my mind it was here we go again, I felt like Sisyphus from Greek mythology pushing the same boulder up the hill, it rolling down and starting all over again being destined to repeat it my entire working life. He was so bad that other colleagues had report him to HR.  He went as far as bringing a disciplinary hearing against another person, but it all got thrown out.  He was that bad. The relief in my mind was “at least it’s not just me”. The truth was that regardless of whether it was a case of him just being a mean spirited person, I still had to confront what it did to me, I couldn’t hide behind “oh well, that is just how he is”.
I learnt the old adage “there is more than one way to skin a cat” to be true, I approached my boss in a very calm manner and I apologized to him.  Wait now, before you start shouting at your screen. I started by apologizing to him as I wanted to let him know that the way I had responded to his behavior wasn’t right and I should not have let it affect me in the way I had, as it affected the communication between us making our working together harder than it needed to be. The truth was I used to call the walk to his office The Green Mile. He then in turn apologized to me and explained why he behaved the way he did towards me. We were able to discuss a better way of working together moving forward.  I was not seen as the aggressive angry black woman, but a peacemaker that was able to calmly and rationally discuss a problem and work on a forward thinking resolution.

The truth is, and believe me, I really wanted to tell him about himself in the worst possible way leaving nothing out, now that really would have been the end of that job, lol.  But then, why give the smug so and so the satisfaction. I was so nervous about having the conversation with him, I agonized over what I was going to say, if it would jeopardize my job or, make me look confrontational.  A million things went through my mind. I had that horrible gut churning, nail biting (and I don’t bite my nails) couldn’t focus feeling.  But I knew that in order to exorcise the spirit of fear that gripped me I needed to make the first step. And that first step was to have an open discussion with the person I believed was instilling the fear within me, in other words I faced that fear full head on.  It was the first step on the road to getting past that particular fear. The next step was to calmly and without emotion decide on the best approach to take and as it was a conversation that needed to be had, I needed to detail what I was going to say and be sure it was calm and rational.

The third step was to think of the outcome you would like before even facing the fear, that way you know what result you are working towards.  This allows you to show that you have thought about what you are doing and saying and want to work towards improving, your environment and relationships. The fourth step is to be consistent, follow up regularly and work towards maintaining the new found peace.  This shows that you mean business, you are serious about making the change and shows you to be confident.  And from his you will find you are treated with a new found respect
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not all the way there yet, but I have to remind myself that no one is perfect we all make mistakes.  Remember it’s not always the mistake you make but how you work to get past it and how you fix it, but most importantly learn from it, and that no one has the right to make you feel as though you are not good enough. As the saying goes “I’m not where I want to be, but thank God, I’m not where I used to be”, but I know that with God’s help, a lot of patience with myself and a LOT of prayer I will get there.

I have learnt through all of this to NEVER allow anyone to disrespect me in such a way, regardless of who they are. I have learnt that I deserve to be spoken to and treated with respect. I have learnt that people will only do what I allow them to get away with. So what are you allowing to happen to you?

By Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer & Life Coach

                                                                               Facebook: “Life’s Renewal”
Behind the Mask - The Me Hidden From All To See
Article Published December/January 2014 issue of

Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer

What happens when you have a second, third or even fourth you? What happens when you KNOW that you have different sides to you that you have NEVER let anyone else see? You hide your spirituality, you hide your culture, and in general you hide your true personality, your true self. This is usually as a result of fear, lack of confidence or insecurity and in extreme cases all of the above. A fear of what other people may think of your beliefs or the culture you were born into. This makes you feel insecure or lack confidence in yourself and the need to passively please other people at your expense. The problem with this is that it leads to you never being truly happy, it leads to you being nervous or anxious when certain topics of conversation are brought up. You may also be seen as shy or quiet, when all along you are just trying to blend into the background so that you do not draw attention to yourself in the hope that no one will ask you a question about YOU or what you think. 

It may stem from an early age in your life when you expressed an opinion and where cruelly either made fun of or made to feel as though your belief, culture or opinion was weird, or odd or not the norm.  With this you learnt to not speak up or to second guess and question yourself. I spoke to a friend who told me that as a child they were always told to be quiet whenever they asked a question. So guess what happened to them? They learnt to not speak, this lead to years of passive aggressive behavior, years of not being able to make or keep friends. Simply put years of being frustrated, bitter and angry.  Until they made a friend who noticed this and was patient enough to help guide them through the process of dropping the mask and breaking free.

This feeling of having to hide your inner self often leads to isolation, pain and loneliness and you not only hide your inner self but begin to physically hide. You hide by making excuses as to why you can’t go out when invited.  You hide by not answering the phone when it rings, if you speak with no one you will not say the ‘wrong’ thing. You hide by avoiding ‘difficult’ conversations that you believe may lead to you having to express an opinion. It leads to you almost being a ‘nodding Nancy’ just nodding and smiling when in a group setting. It is almost used as a defense mechanism because it people do not know you, they can’t hurt you. So your mask is your defense. Have you ever stopped to access yourself physically without criticism? How is your posture when you walk or when you sit?  So you slouch or walk/sit tall?  These are indicators to what you think about yourself.  Are your trying to be inconspicuous or are you staring the world in the eye ready to take on any challenge?  If you are that person hiding behind the mask you have learnt to not be present in the moment, and in doing so you all of your thoughts are focused on you and your inner turmoil, being totally aware of your presence.

How do we overcome hiding behind these masks?
The first step in overcoming this to take some time to self-reflect and go back in your life.  Go back as far as you need to and look at why you believe what you believe or what you believe may have occurred in your life that for all intends and purposes ‘shut you up’!  Once you have been able to do this the next step is to practice, practice, and practice! Start by looking at yourself in the mirror with a smile on your face, shoulders back and head held high.  Tell yourself how wonderful you are, how talented you are, how beautiful you, tell yourself you are going to have a wonderful day and any other positive things you can think of.  I know this sounds really cheesy but it works, it really does.  Try it and see, you may feel silly at first but you will get past that.  It helps in giving you that first boost of confidence to be able to express your true self honestly without feeling as though you have to stop and be careful of everything you say. Through a much deeper awareness of who you are, of your actions and your thoughts about yourself you can successfully retrain the way you think about yourself.  This helps in the process of being able to come from behind the mask and brings with it a feeling of absolutely peace and lightness. 

I’m not one of these coaches that will let you know ‘you can do it, you just have to change your thoughts’ and poof you are changed, or by speaking to yourself in the mirror you will automatically have overcome. This takes work, real work and is not for the faint hearted.  It is for people who truly want to live a more fulfilled life being able to communicate and socialize without fear or insecurity.  With it comes a new awareness as to why you feel the way you do about yourself and how you communicate. It will also help you to know why you behave in a certain way when the spotlight is on you.  It will help you develop the power of your voice, your posture and body language and their ability to deliver a clear and concise message with confidence and enthusiasm. Once you get comfortable with who you are this will go a long way to determine who you are capable of being, this new you should be the same person to show up in all life situations, as opposed to the person you were that felt they had to wear a different mask depending on the situation or environment.  The goal is for you to be genuine, true, real and consistent.

I truly do believe, together with years of experience, that everyone who wants to make a change in their lives either for the good or bad can do it. This is achieved by coaching, by surrounding yourself with people who are supportive, encouraging and who want you to succeed and who will help you get there. People that make you feel safe, secure, trusting, Many people cannot do this by themselves and this is where coaching comes in. Coaching can also help you achieve this it includes an understanding of a person their history and current situation. The above teamed with your desire to succeed, makes it completely possible for you to go from behind the mask to having no mask.  It will take you from being scared, nervous and timid to truly amazing and powerful.

By Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer & Life Coach

Twitter: @AllieDeSouza “Life’s Renewal
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?
Article Published November/December 2014 issue of
Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine contributing writer

You see, I know exactly what it's like to feel that way, at one time in my life I was at the opposite end of the spectrum. I woke up to the same boring routine day and day out, every day was the same thing. I've been broke and broken, been abused, felt abandoned by family and friends and completely depressed, disillusioned and frustrated with the state (yes state) of my life, my relationships, my friendships and my career for many, many years. I was making $12 an hour, I worked a job, but after paying bills I was broke all over again so I got a second job and was still broke! I felt as though my life had no purpose, no meaning and that I was aimlessly just ambling through life.  My relationships had no substance, more based on being intimate and physical than love and trust, they were unfulfilling and unsatisfying and left me feeling even more lonely and disappointed than ever. Much of that disappointment was with myself.  To be brutally honest, my life was a mess and I wasn’t happy with my journey in life so far.  I had lost my spark, I was just going through the motions of ‘living’.

Have you ever stopped to wonder “what am I doing?”  Have you ever stopped to wonder “is my life progressive?” Have you ever stopped to wonder “where my next meal is coming from?” Have you ever stopped to wonder “where the money to pay my bills will come from?” Have you ever stopped to wonder “is my relationship healthy, do they love me enough to support me no matter what?” Have you ever stopped to wonder “why do I give so much and get so little in return?” 
Well I have asked myself ALL of those questions at one point in my life and didn’t like the answers that I came up with. I ‘tried’, or so I thought, everything I knew to change my life and experience more love and happiness.

I got sick and tired of feeling like the Smokey Robinson song ‘Tracks of my Tears’.  Tired of trying to hide from everyone and lying to myself about the pain, the hurt, the loneliness, the anger, the disappointments and the abuse, all the things that come as the result of bad decisions that I had made, bad relationships I had gotten involved in, not investing wisely in my career choices, life and just disappointments that I seemed to always carry with me like an invisible backpack. I remember sitting at home one day checking my emails, I don’t recall where the email came from, but it was for the book The Secret.  I bought the book, the audio book and the DVD, I completely immersed myself in it in the hope that all I would need to do is think positively.  I've tried affirmations, I prayed and I tried to still my mind by meditating. I went out and bought even more books on the law of attraction, positive thinking and various self-help books. 

I was willing to try almost anything, I wanted, no I NEEDED a better life. I saw other people happy, successful and enjoying their life and I wanted that, I wanted to be happy, I wanted to be successful like they were. I wanted to shop and buy nice things without worrying about it or trying to justify spending money on a luxury rather than paying a bill.  I remember a few birthdays ago my mother sent me money as a gift, her instructions were “spend the money on yourself and don’t use it to pay any bills”.  That is just how much I was living from hand to mouth. 

I wanted to be in a loving relationship with someone who truly loved ME, who respects ME.  I knew it was all possible as I had seen others do it.  I just didn’t know what their secret to success was, but I still didn’t feel as though I was making much progress.  You see I didn’t realize that I would actually have to DO something.  But things didn't work out the way I had hoped at first. First, some of the things I tried were so confusing while other methods were so out there.  Telling you that all you need to do is think positive thoughts and your life will change. OK, that’s nice but…that didn't work! Seems like the more things I tried, the more confused I became about which tools to use to improve my life. Not only was I broke, I was in debt, in a ‘sort of’ relationship. Things just progressively got worse and worse.

Many people don't know this but... I actually tried to take my own life.  I had a bottle of 500 painkillers and decided I had, had enough.  I just wanted the pain to end.  It's amazing that at what seems to be the lowest point of your life, the fighter in you shows up and takes over.  After that incident I knew I had to do something different. I just didn’t know what.  I knew I needed something that would really change the direction of the life and existence that I was experiencing.  I was so low, but knew I had to keep going because there had to be something that would help change my life. 

I decided right then that I was going to take charge and responsibility of my life.  I wasn't going to live my life full of regrets, full of bitterness, broke and unfulfilled like some people I knew.  I ended my ‘sort of’ relationship, I left my job packed up all my worldly goods and went to stay with my mum in Florida.  I took a few months out to get myself together.  I know this is not an option for most people, it is just a part of the process that I went through.  I knew I needed to take action, I couldn’t just think up a better life I had to work at making a better life happen. I had to take a good, long hard look at myself.  I had to actually face myself.   I had to be very open and honest with ME.  I had to learn how to love me, I had to learn to forgive ME and in doing so I had to LET GO of the things that were blocking me and holding me back. Things like unforgiveness, anger and bitterness.  Things I didn't really know until I took the time to go through a specific, detailed and hard, but oh so achievable process. And now, the process I used has helped hundreds of people live a better life. Are you ready to start live the life of your dreams? I am here to help you, but ultimately the choice is yours.

Written by Alison De Souza, KUOMagazine Contributing Writer & Life Coach

Twitter: @AllieDeSouza