Sunday, September 20, 2015 “Karibbean Girlz Vybe”
With Jenna Walker
Article Published April/May issue 2015 of

Written by Jenna Walker

A Karibbean Girlz Vybe interview with Jenna Walker
My name is Jenna Walker; I was born in Orlando, Florida at Arnold Palmer Hospital, into a Jamaican family.  I’ve been raised in Orlando, Florida and grew up in a house with my Mom and Nana, with my Aunt only five houses down from us.  My aunt is a singer, and before I was born she would sing into my mom’s tummy. We believe that this is where I got my talent. When I was born I loved to sing as soon as I could, and I loved to hear music. I used to figure out songs on the piano without any form of training, and imitate singers on the radio. 

I’ve always loved music, and have a very supportive family who lets me make all the “noise” I want. My family is a mixture of many cultures, but we are primarily Jamaican. I think that growing up with my amazing family has really enhanced my character. The closeness and the respect we share, has really made me appreciate what I have. When I look at my family, compared to American families, I see more of a bond, and I do believe that that bond made me a more humble person.  Take the food for example; we eat many unique things that Americans wouldn’t touch!  Just that alone has made me open to trying new things, and not being afraid.  Jamaicans are tough as a people, and their classic ideals have pushed me both personally and musically.

I’ve pretty much taught myself everything I know about music, with bits of help along the way. I’ve been working on trying to find my own sound, and getting my own style, because ultimately, I want to be a musical artist. I first attended the TrinBago Talent Competition Show three years ago. The first time was a mess. I didn’t make it to the second round, and fled in tears. The host, John Tobago, came to me and explained that it was just a “bump” in the road, and that even celebrities have those moments. He told me to keep on trying, and honestly, showed so much faith in me that I couldn’t stop there. I came back the next year, hoping for the best, but I still didn’t make it to the second round.  However; this time, I stayed to the end and congratulated the winners, because they were fantastic. The third year, I put it all out on the table. 

I made sure I was emotionally invested into the song, and I worked the stage. I even brought my ukulele along for the ride! I made it to the next round! With sweaty palms I finally did it. I finally won and came first place. It felt great to see my hard work pay off and see all the people who believed in me all along looking so proud. Without my crazy, wonderful family, I would never make it this far. They have given me the perseverance, and confidence to get where I am today.  I couldn’t ask for a better life; or a better family to share it with. 
I want to thank KUOMagazine/Between Karibbean Friends Magazine for allowing me to share my story on how a Vybe as a Karibbean Girl!

By Jenna Walker

Karibbean Girls who stands in her Truth...her Music.....and her Culture!
Facebook @KaribbeanGirlzVybe

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work. As long as you continue to believe in yourself you can do anything you set your mind to.
